Proverify powered by Application Verification, is proud to announce the first iteration of a Fall internship experience! During the summer of 2018, we took a “test drive” of an internship program. By bringing on three college students, we were able to work out some of the kinks in our process. Now, we are launching full scale with a team of 20 interns in multiple locations!

The students are from several different universities around the Pittsburgh area. As a business local to Pittsburgh, we are excited about the opportunity to partner with the colleges in the area in our internship endeavor.

What they’ll learn and what they’ll work on:

The interns will get a chance to work with a small, family owned company in the technology and security spheres of business. From data entry to customer relations and programming, the team of interns will have a varied scope of work. They will be coming alongside our team to create, integrate and launch the screening recertification platform and all the pieces that go into that process with a new client.

Where are we?

Our main office is in East Pittsburgh and our satellite office is on the Boulevard of the Allies in Pittsburgh PA. The interns have an opportunity to work at whichever location fits their needs the best.

The goal and vision of #ProverifyInterns…

Our goal in this process is to reach out to the Pittsburgh community and cultivate the best young talent we can. Proverify has seen a massive amount of growth in the last two years. Our goal with this program is for it to grow with us and to help us grow. The ultimate goal of the internship program this year is to find talented students to help us integrate our software with the biggest client we have ever had.

It’s important to us that the internship experience at Proverify be meaningful and helpful. The interns will only be working with us for a short time but will hopefully be back to work with us again. They’re treated as full members of the processing team and held to the same standards as anyone else. Their mentors guide them through our process, act as expert resources on the technology and processes that they’re working with, and give them feedback. Just like any member of our team, they have deadlines to meet and standards to uphold. They’re responsible for the quality of their work and they know that they’ll have a lasting impact on our product and the community even after the summer is over.

Keep your eyes open for more updates on our internship program!