International Background Check Services
With the global economy growing every year, more employers are expanding their operations overseas. International services are critical to a complete background screening process and provide an easy solution for your international needs.
ProVerfiy offers an international background check solutions that are determined by careful, ongoing reviews of input received from our internationally experienced consultants who have developed best practice programs. These include information from inside and outside counsel and from reviews conducted by our global network of in-country partners.
A global background check program is no different than any other aspect of a modern hiring program in that it constantly requires tweaking as legislation changes, technology advances, and new data becomes available. As a result, the ProVerify Client Success team partners closely with clients to provide regular guidance, best practices, and recommendations. We are continually learning and adapting, as well as adding new products to support our clients.
3 Critical Components of a Global Background Check Program
Traditionally, global (International) background checks were necessary for international organizations, i.e. businesses with offices in more than one country. Therefore, offices in each country needed to conduct criminal background checks when hiring candidates for their local office. However, this is no longer the case. With the global ease and appetite for travel rapidly increasing over the last two decades, it is common for individuals to live and work abroad, and sometimes return to their native country with a resume including years spent across different regions. Today global background check programs are frequently necessary for both international organizations as well as US organizations which hire a diverse set of candidates.
This can present a challenge for organizations not equipped to handle global (International) background checks. When the situation presents itself, and a US-based organization needs to run a background check for a candidate who spent years outside the country, many HR professionals are left scrambling to quickly identify a partner that can accommodate a global background check and develop a program which includes all the necessary support.
Over the last ten years, we have worked with many companies to develop global programs. We’ve learned a lot from our customers, from our successes, and from our mistakes. Today, leveraging our relationships and experience, we continue to build out world-class global programs for our clients. With this in mind, here are three components we have identified as critical to a successful global screening program.
A Background Check Program Is Never ‘Set It and Forget It’
A global background check program is no different than any other aspect of a modern hiring program in that it constantly requires tweaking as legislation changes, technology advances, and new data becomes available. As a result, the ProVerify Client Success team partners closely with clients to provide regular guidance, best practices, and recommendations. We are continually learning and adapting, as well as adding new products to support our clients.