At ProVerify, we understand the challenges faced by victims of human trafficking. Our specialized programs offer support and resources designed to empower and aid in your recovery process. We are here to help!

How We Can Help

This program complies with federal regulations to help victims of human trafficking remove inaccurate information from their background reports. This information may have resulted from a severe form of human trafficking.

What You Need to Do

  1. Proof of Identity: We can verify your identity through confirmation questions or government-issued documentation (driver’s license, social security number).
  2. Victim Determination Documentation: Provide documentation proving you are a victim of trafficking. This can come from a government agency, human trafficking task force, or a self-attestation signed by a relevant authority.
  3. Adverse Information & Contact Method: Identify the inaccurate information in your report and your preferred method of contact (email or mail).

What We Will Do

  • Temporarily block the identified information within 4 business days.
  • Notify you if any additional information is needed within 5 business days.
  • Review your request and make a final decision within 25 business days.
  • Inform you of the outcome and provide a revised report (free of charge) within 5 business days of the final decision.

Contact Us

Additional Resources

For more information about your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you can visit Fast Facts: FCRA and Regulation V Human Trafficking Rule